traductora jurada
traducciones juradas/traduccions jurades/traductions assermentées

I have been a language professional since 1990. My professional experience includes a large variety of areas, all of them related to language. I started my career teaching at the university level. Teaching Catalan as a foreign language was my profession and my passion for many years. At the same time I began to work on the creation of teaching and testing materials, and on translation.


For a long time I combined these activities, but in the last few years I have worked solely in the field of translation. This exclusive dedication has made it possible for me to work continually with my three working languages (Catalan, Spanish and French), to focus on the aspects of language I find most interesting, and to explore new fields and specialties in the world of translation.


Due to my education, training and personal preferences, my initial areas of work were linguistics, literature, teaching methodology, research on methodology and several other related areas. Later on I directed my attention to legal and administrative documents and eventually, thanks to sworn translation, I expanded my work to civil engineering and construction on the one hand, and to medical and bacteriological reports on the other.


One aspect of translation I am passionate about is terminological research and documentation. Lexical accuracy is one of my strong suits and I do not hesitate to search for all the necessary documentation to ensure the translations I make for my clients are correct, accurate and appropriate.

Sworn Translation
Interpretació jurada
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